They say ‘success leaves clues’. Those who are successful leave behind little tricks and habits they did that are in common with others of the same successful caliber. One of these ‘clues’ is going for a walk.
For example, many of the greatest minds in history had a daily walking routine. Albert Einstein, when working at Princeton University, walked the mile and a half (2.5 kilometers) distance there and back, Einstein held his walking time in high regard (here’s a BBC article on it)
Similarly, Charles Darwin went for three 45-minute walks. Every. Single. Day.
The biggest question is why?
Why are the greatest thinkers all going on walks outside, specifically in nature?
Well, my friend, I’ve been walking for at least 30 minutes every day for the last month, and I have experienced the benefits of walking firsthand.
So, hopefully, I will convince you to try it too, by showing you the three major benefits I have experienced.
First of All
The three benefits I will be discussing are not physical, meaning it is obvious that walking every day will make you physically better, but that is not in my top 3 benefits of doing this habit.
Similarly, all of these benefits are a result of my personal 4 rules of walking;
- You must walk for at least 30 minutes a day
- It must be in nature specifically, near a body of water
- Write down your thoughts at the end of each walk
These 4 rules allow for maximum concentration and contemplation.
Benefit of a Walk 1. Idea Generation
If you are an aspiring writer like myself, I have found no greater source of idea generation than from my daily walks.
I really enjoy writing, these posts but I also really, really enjoy fiction writing. Coming up with interesting creatures and writing short stories about them is extremely fun. I would be willing to bet that about 90% of my short story ideas and post ideas came while walking.
I’m not sure quite what it is about being alone with your thoughts or the rhythmic crunching of rocks under your shoes that puts you into a sort of trance, where you’re observational thoughts are mixed with your creative thoughts which, at least for me, results in a lot of interesting ideas.
So, Benefit 1- Walking generates ideas like nothing else
Benefit of a Walk 2. Creativity
Similar to ideas, creativity is greatly spiked for me when undergoing my walks.
Many times, I am just observing my surroundings, not thinking of anything and I suddenly get an image of an interesting creature based on what I’m seeing.
One day I was walking, as I do, when I noticed on the side of the path a tree stump at about waist level that looked like it had a stern face staring straight at me, and I genuinely felt like I was being watched by the stump.
This experience made me come up with the idea of a small stump, with a head whittled out of the top that would follow an unfortunate individual, and the character would know when it was near when he felt he was being watched.
Now I know that’s not a particularly creative idea but it is just an example of how what you see on your walk will boost your creativity.
Thus, Benefit 2- Walking WILL make you more creative
Benefit of a Walk 3- Concentration
The last benefit that has significantly affected me has had more of an effect on my life when I’m not walking.
I found after a month of walking every day I was able to concentrate for more extended periods of time in my everyday life.
Also, I found I could follow a train of thought with more vividness, rather than foggily reflecting on my thoughts I am able to travel through the thought process, with precision and ease.
I have particularly noticed this effect in areas of my life where I am usually on auto-pilot such as playing video games or eating. My brain seems to be primed to be active even when I’m not consciously trying to concentrate, which has provided countless benefits in my life.
Finally, Benefit 3- Walking increases your ability to concentrate in your personal life
In Conclusion. . .
The three benefits of walking every day I have noticed are;
- Walking generates ideas like nothing else
- Walking WILL make you more creative
- Walking increases your ability to concentrate in your personal life
So I hope you will adopt a daily walking habit to skyrocket your effectiveness as a creative and experience lasting benefits.
Thank you for reading, have a great day
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