One of the biggest travesties of growing up is losing ‘play’, being able to just have fun doing things you love because you can.
Where has that gone?
We certainly have it as children but as this world chisels and molds our minds into boxes, the art of play is lost.
It’s so easy to take yourself too seriously. Everything is too serious nowadays, it’s you against someone else, and if it’s not then you’ve already lost.
Playfulness in terms of writing is when you go down rabbit holes, give yourself silly challenges, and do things just for the fun of it, without agenda or expectation.
Playfulness/Play is an important part of your writing, it’s what keeps you interested and is the mechanism behind your creativity and enjoyment when writing.
Implementing play into your writing has so many benefits from increased motivation and enthusiasm to reduction of writer’s block.
But before that, what is the link between playfulness and creativity?
The Connection Between Playfulness and Creativity
The creative process is largely a result of play. So, if you are in a creative mindset you are inherently engaging in play. The reverse is true as well, if you are being playful then you are thus being creative in some ways.
A lighthearted approach to writing focused on not being too serious can break down mental barriers and stimulate innovative ideas.
The seriousness of your work often comes from the need to concentrate when you’re doing this work. Thus, your brain thinks, “If I need to concentrate on this thing, then I must not waver from this concentration”, resulting in missing peripheral ideas and concepts that you would catch with playfulness.
Therefore, playfulness is the hidden spice in your writing that allows you to take a wider look at your project, where you can investigate the routes that were not taken in your writing, and be able to use what you find from going down this path will no doubt benefit your project itself.
It’s odd I know, the less you concentrate on your project specifically, the more creative you get with it.
There is a balance of course. You can’t be spending hours writing with only your thumb and pinky finger because your monkey brain thought that would be a worthy endeavor.
So playfulness is essentially the art of ignorance, you must become aware by being unaware.
The Benefits of Playful Writing
Of course, there are many benefits for adding playfulness into your writing the most relevant of which I have compiled;
Increased Motivation and Enthusiasm
A playful mindset is bound to boost motivation and enthusiasm for your writing.
Adding play into your writing will allow you to explore random topics you’ve never thought about which increases your knowledge.
The more knowledge you have, the more connections you can make between ideas, and the more creative you are.
When you are so creative you are inherently excited to engage in your writing because you know you will have fun, thus massively boosting your motivation to write.
This is a simple but effective benefit that, alone is enough to try to play.
Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills
When you are engaged in creative games and exercises you are problem-solving.
You’re playing video games? You’re problem-solving!
Doing a puzzle? You’re problem-solving!
Brainstorming ideas for your writing? You’re problem-solving!
Problem-solving is an inherent part of playfulness, that’s why kids do it. Kids play because they learn things about the world around them by solving problems in creative mindsets.
Thus, if you are playful you WILL get better at problem-solving which is a major advantage when plotting your writing.
Reduction of Writer’s Block
Writer’s block sucks.
It’s being filled up to the brim with ideas and interesting concepts but you can’t physically take action to release the floodgates and give in to the creative process.
Playfulness remediates that.
Adding play to your writing will promote a relaxed and open mindset.
This means that you don’t think too much about what you’re doing but just give in to the ideas and see where they lead you.
Being able to submit to play is the same as submitting to the creative process, they both lead to the same results. You Writing. But their just two vastly different difficulties to initiate.
That’s why playfulness reduces writer’s block substantially.
Ideas For Playful Writing Activities
The most efficient way of using playfulness in your writing is the application of writing activities;
Word Games
There are various word games you can use to push you into a corner to work your way out of with your writing, getting you to look at writing from a different perspective.
Alphabet Story:
- Write a story where each sentence starts with the next letter of the alphabet.
- This game encourages quick thinking and creativity while forming a coherent narrative.
Word Association Challenge
- Start with a random word and challenge yourself to write as many related words as possible in a set time.
- Use these words as inspiration for a story, poem, or scene.
One Sentence Story Challenge
- Write a complete story using only one sentence.
- This minimalist approach encourages concise and impactful storytelling.
Creative Play Exercises to Spark Imagination
These exercises are designed to push the boundaries of traditional thinking and encourage writers to explore new ideas and perspectives.
Object Transformation
- Select a random object in your vicinity.
- Write a paragraph or short story where the object transforms into something completely different or takes on magical properties.
Sensory Exploration
- Close your eyes and focus on one of your senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell).
- Write a descriptive scene that captures the essence of that sense without explicitly mentioning it.
Character Interview
- Conduct an imaginary interview with one of your characters.
- Ask questions about their background, motivations, and experiences, and respond as if you were that character.
Pick one of these prompts and create a story around it you may be surprised by where your mind goes. Remember to let your creativity flow and embrace the playful nature of these prompts.
The Magical Doorway
- Prompt: While cleaning your attic, you stumble upon a mysterious door. When you open it, you find yourself in a fantastical world. Describe the sights, sounds, and characters you encounter.
The Reverse Fairy Tale
- Prompt: Rewrite a classic fairy tale from the perspective of the antagonist, humanizing their motives and revealing their side of the story.
The Quantum Cafè
- Prompt: You enter a café where each table transports you to a different time or dimension. Write about the conversations you have with people from various eras and worlds.
Resistance to Play
It’s all well and easy to say to just implement play, but I wanted to acknowledge how difficult it is to do.
To think differently by itself is incredibly difficult, let alone adopt a whole new mindset.
These difficulties mainly come from misconceptions about the seriousness of writing.
It seems to be a common belief that writing is a serious endeavor because you are juggling all of your characters and plot with what you want your work to say, which results in a fourth ball being added to the mix, unwillingly.
It’s just unnecessary and quite hindering to the creative process.
Embracing play in no way compromises the quality of your writing process. Adding to your routine will not tarnish the entire basis of your writing habit.
I implore you to step out of your comfort zone and into the unknown, it’s good for you.
Be playful, it won’t hurt you.
In Conclusion . . .
In the delightful realm of writing, infusing a sense of playfulness can be the secret ingredient that transforms the mundane into the extraordinary.
There are of course various benefits;
- Enhanced Creativity
- Increased Enjoyment
- Productivity Boost
Now, it’s your turn to embark on a playful writing journey.
Experiment with the word games, creative exercises, and prompts shared in this post.
Dive into the uncharted waters of imagination and let your pen dance on the pages.
Remember, a playful approach can be the key to maintaining a healthy balance between productivity and passion.
So, dear writers, let playfulness be your guiding star. May it light up your writing journey with joy, innovation, and a steady stream of words that dance off the page.
Happy writing and playing!
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