There are a few great pieces of advice beginner writers are given, my favorite of which is to write from life.
“Write from life” otherwise known as “write what you know” is a timeless piece of wisdom that still has plenty of adage.
It’s a principle that transcends genres and styles, urging writers to draw from their own experiences and emotions to breathe authenticity into their narratives.
Authenticity Through Reality
Worldbuilding is a very difficult thing for beginner writers especially to approach.
Luckily, there’s a way to build without the stress of planning.
Writing from life!
Writing what you see around you, and what you experience with different people is the best way to create an authentic world because it IS authentic it is the ONLY reality there is (that we know of).
Using your own emotions and experiences taps into a universal human truth of your experience.
Your writing is bound to resonate with other people because you are explaining their version of reality through your own truth.
Once you can gain authenticity with your readers, they’re hooked.
Creating an authentic reading experience is all we could ever ask for with our writing.
Write from your reality.
Mining Memories for Richness in Narrative
The hidden beauty of your daily experience is that it has sensory details built into the experience.
Noone has to describe the smell of smoke before you realise your house is on fire.
There is great power in actually stopping and witnessing the sensory details of your daily experience.
So use your personal experiences when describing sensory details, it will make the description that bit more interesting.
Another great way of using your memories of experience is finding common truths behind them.
Like experiences with ex-relationships may uncover a secret truth of what makes a person a bad spouse.
Truths like this can be transferred into themes that you can use in your writing.
Embracing Vulnerability for Connection
Having the courage to share your own personal truths is incredibly vulnerable.
Be sure to be vulnerable because that will inevitably open a connection between yourself and your reader.
To be vulnerable is to be authentic.
Writing from this place will only result in a compelling narrative.
In Conclusion. . .
Writing what you experience is THE best way to create an authentic connection with your reader and craft compelling narratives.
Thanks for Reading and Happy Writing 🙂
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