There is a state of mind that plagues creative people all around the world. Uncertainty.
People WILL NOT start a project if they don’t know exactly how to do it.
Why would I create anything if I’m not creatively prepared to do so?
There’s a piece of advice I always think about when I hear people talking about their hesitancy.
“You can’t see the label from inside the bottle”.
Your deep investment in the work makes it practically impossible for you to grasp how others perceive it.
In a sense, you perceive the label, but it certainly does not reflect what is actually presented.
There’s a Physics Concept Called the Uncertainty Principle
Let me use some science, I promise it is related.
Scientists will not stop trying to find the smallest thing possible.
Some of these really small things are the photons and the electron-charged particles that make up the atoms that makeup everything in the universe.
However, when scientists are trying to look at these little particles weird things start happening.
Werner Heisenberg, the clever man that he is, came up with his Uncertainty Principle to explain this weird stuff.
We cannot know both the position and speed of a particle, such as a photon or electron, with perfect accuracy; the more we nail down the particle’s position, the less we know about its speed and vice versa
The more you know about a particle’s place in space the less you know its speed and vice versa.
Creative Science
Oddly enough Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle can be applied to our writing.
In terms of writing the less you know of your own skills the more you know about how your work is perceived.
Just like speed and position, writing skills and the quality of your writing cannot be observed at the same time.
In this case, the best place you can be in is knowing you have very little writing skills and are unaware of how good your writing actually is.
The beginner mindset and the uncertainty of beginning writing are scientifically proven to be the best place to get to work.
Embrace uncertainty only through embracing uncertainty will you become less uncertain.
In Conclusion . . .
Embracing uncertainty isn’t merely a challenge; it is the most fertile ground for creativity.
In the realm of writing, much like the enigmatic world of quantum particles, the less you fixate on your writing skills, the more attuned you become to how your work is perceived.
Adopting the beginner’s mindset, with its inherent uncertainty, is scientifically proven to be the optimal starting point for any creative endeavor.
So, dive into your work with the humility of a beginner, and through embracing uncertainty, you’ll find clarity and growth in your writing journey.
Happy Writing 🙂
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