There is no future, there is only now.
It has always been now for years and years and will continue to be now for centuries later.
The way we look at time as humans is in a linear direction where you travel along the line and are thus further or behind in time compared to another marker.
But this isn’t quite all true.
The thing is no one really understands what time is, it can be measured but not accurately perceived.
A memory of a time 12 years in the past can be felt in the same strength as the present time.
Which one is more real then?
The Future Myth
You must understand time from the lens of the human brain.
The brain doesn’t experience time about past time, although it does in remembering things it doesn’t in real-time.
It’s always experiencing time as the now.
The here, what’s happening presently in front of you.
If your brain only experiences time in the present, the now then all there is is the now.
The future and the past were never really the future or the past for those experiencing it, it was the now.
This is why it’s so silly to put off your writing or something you love until you feel like doing it.
It’s silly because you are relying on the fact that the future is a different thing to the present, therefore if you don’t feel like writing in the present you surely will in the future.
This is not the case.
The REAL Future You
The only person you can ever be is you.
If you’re not a person that does hard things you won’t be a person that does hard things, unless you actively try to be.
If you are procrastinating taking action now you WILL procrastinate taking action in the future, nothing changes when nothing changes.
Luckily, understanding this we can come up with ways to ensure your ‘future you’ will act in the way you would prefer yourself to.
You have to take action in the now because that’s all you have.
Apply the Rule
Imagine you procrastinating about writing your book because you’re not prepared enough so you say you will start it in a year.
There are 2 ways you can go about this.
Way number 1 is if you continue to put off writing not changing your behaviors for a year then you will put it off for another year.
Way 2, the better way, is you understand the golden rule “The ONLY person you can ever be is you”. This means that if you are to be someone who can write this book you have to be someone that writes frequently, to be someone that writes frequently you have to write every day, to achieve this you have to write a sentence every day, a word, a letter.
You keep breaking down your goal, the person you want to be to the minute details that make that person. The smaller and more relatable the identity the more you become that version of you.
Now you understand what it means to be someone who writes books you can do the little habits like writing every day that build you up to the type of person that can and does finish a book.
You are now, you ‘in the future’.
Not by chance.
Not by coincidence.
And certainly not by fluke.
You’ve applied the golden rule and are now the you you’ve always wanted to be.
May your words flow effortlessly and let procrastination cower in your shadow.
Happy Writing 🙂
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