Motivation is not an obligation to pump out content but an urge to create great work.
I appreciate that there are days when you simply can’t find the motivation to write. Therefore, I’ve compiled three ways to reframe writing for sustained motivation.
Motivation Tip 1. Get Excited
In the kerfuffle of productivity optimization and self-improvement, the stuff that you want to do becomes your obligation to just grind it out despite the resistance.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
The way I avoid this obligation to write is that I get excited to write every day, it’s not a matter of how good my writing is but rather that I get my ideas onto the page.
That’s all you can really ask for I suppose.
Remember, it should be enjoyable; consistency in writing is achievable when you find joy in the process.
Your excitement stems from wholeheartedly engaging in the process of exploring an idea, regardless of the type of writing you undertake.
Get excited writing should be fun.
Motivation Tip 2. Get Interested
I heavily rely on my genuine interest in the topics I discuss for my daily writing.
This tip is not just for blog writers but any sort of writer.
If you can genuinely become interested in the workings of an idea and follow where the thread leads, motivating yourself to write every day will become effortless.
I do this specifically in my short story writing where I give myself a ‘what if?’ question;
“What if there was a creature species that evolved alongside humans but lived in the darkness?”
“What if individuals have superpowers, suppressed by their upbringing?”
Ask yourself similar questions that jumpstart your interests and see where it leads you.
I’m sure wherever you’re lead you will enjoy writing about it.
Get interested in what-ifs
Motivation Tip 3. Write What You Want to Read
“Write the stuff you want to read”
I can’t recall the source of that quote, but it has certainly stayed with me, especially when I find myself worrying about what to write next or how to gain recognition. This popularity focused thinking will only lead you down a path where you never enjoy the stuff you write, and thus not motivated to write.
Avoid this pitfall by writing what you want to read.
I started my writing journey to share stories and be able to teach people the stuff that I learn along the way. I do this because I wish there was a prominent writer that tracked their journey from an average writer and storyteller to a greater one.
Make sure you are writing the things you want to read.
I genuinely do believe that it is these three mindests to approach writing that are the contributors for my consisten motivation;
- Get excited writing should be fun.
- Get interest in what-ifs
- Make sure you are writing the things you want to read.
I am sure if you follow any of these tips you will become a greater motivated writer.
If you are a writer who battles with procrastination check out this post about 3 tips to beating procrastination;
Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading.
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