Typically a wrong action is considered the worst action, however, there is one much worse. Inaction.
“Inaction is a slow death” I hear these words leave Joey’s mouth through my YouTube screen and hit me like a ton of bricks.
The YouTube channel Better Ideas first slapped me in the face with this truth.
Inaction IS an action and it’s the WORSE one.
Inaction vs Wrong Action
This theory we are discussing can be applied to anything in your life, but I’m going to use writing as my example.
Choosing to write a novel that is in the wrong genre, terribly written, and just in general a poor decision is a nightmare for writers, but there is one worse that no one is talking about.
Not finishing your book, not even starting your book does nothing, it has neither a net positive nor a net negative on your life or that of others.
Why is this so bad then?
The key to this puzzle is found when we think in terms of progress.
Progress Over Perfection
This term gets thrown around a lot in the content-creating industry but it speaks true.
Any sort of progress in your craft is a net positive.
Creating good writing makes progress.
Writing bad work is making progress.
Inaction, however, no progress.
As odd as it seems backward progress found in bad writing is oftentimes more valuable than positive progress because you learn and change as a person and now know what doesn’t work so you can avoid it.
Progress allows for learning.
Learning allows for growth.
Growth allows for getting closer to your goals.
Anything not helping you is hindering you!
So friend, focus on the quantity of your output, not the quality for doing this is sure to progress you towards your writing dreams.
Goodbye and Happy Writing
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