If you’ve ever had any satisfaction, motivation, or pleasure in your writing it’s because of dopamine. Dopamine, a chemical substance, …
You don’t need to spend more time writing, you need to spend less time writing more. Having been in the …
There is a thin line between constructively criticizing someone’s work and ripping it to shreds, this line is mainly defined …
There’s nothing quite like a great plot twist. Movies like Shudder Island, Fight Club, and Se7en are incredible staples of …
The pacing at which you tell your story is a large factor in your reader’s engagement throughout their read. You …
Sometimes knowing what NOT to do (steps to failure) is more important and meaningful than what you should do. So, …
This principle is so intertwined with your writing that not having an understanding of it is almost criminal. The 80/20 …
There’s nothing worse than getting to the business end of a book or movie, where the action is happening, and …
95 percent of your brain’s activity daily is unconscious. 95 percent! You are going about your day thinking about what …
Often it’s easy to get tunnel vision when chasing your dreams and lose sight of the small wins you achieve …