Everyone is a writer.
It doesn’t take a gift from God or permission to create.
All it takes to be a writer is to express yourself through writing.
This is not a particularly hard skill either, at least to begin with. It’s definitely hard to get great at writing but certainly not difficult to start writing.
Permission to Write
I thought that I needed to wait for permission to write, wait for the sky to part, and for my pen to descend from the heavens, then and only then would I write.
This is not the case.
By being born you have the permission to write, and I would even go so far as to say the obligation to do so.
It is your gift as a member of the human species that you can and should create.
Create anything, create a story, create a drawing, create a song, create a joke.
All that’s important is that you’re creating.
And by the act of creating you ARE a writer, a creator.
What is Writing?
Writing is not necessarily the act of writing words.
What you choose to create is your form of writing, creating and writing in its essence is conveying beliefs and memories of yourself through a medium.
This doesn’t necessarily have to be words on the page.
You could draw a sketch of what you are feeling in this instance, that’s a form of writing.
You create a song about your messy breakup, that’s a form of writing.
Writing for me means any sort of creative endeavor by which you demonstrate your willingness to communicate.
It’s in Your Bones
Creating is what you are.
You create relationships with others,
Find meaning in your existence,
Make a routine for yourself, and
You create moral rules that you abide by
Every. Single. Day. You are creating in one way or another, and that’s awesome.
As you create, you write, you write what your life should look like, you write what others see when they look at your life and you write your place in the world.
Every human on this planet contributes their own writing to the world every day, some more than others, it’s really a question of intentionality.
Intend to Write
If you don’t write your own rules, rules will be written for you.
It’s an uncomfortable truth that the more you look at your life the less control you actually have over it, this is a dreadful thing to think about.
Luckily, there is a way to reclaim some of that control.
That is, to write.
Write your heart out.
Write that story you’ve always wanted to.
Create that creature that’s been simmering in your mind.
Start that business you’ve been thinking about.
Taking positive steps in any direction is like stepping into the void, however, the deeper in your step the more clear the next step becomes.
That’s why if you don’t write intentionally you get stagnant, your next step is shrouded in mystery, the only way to counter this is to take that step;
Thank you so much for reading, this is a slightly different style to what I’m used to so if you liked this style of writing let me know 🙂
If you enjoy writing I’m sure you’ll enjoy this recent post about what I’ve learned from a month of writing everyday;
- I Wrote Every Day on Medium for 100 days. Here’s What I Learned
- The Subtle Power of Unseen Horror
- Believable Worldbuilding: Tips for Crafting Fictional Worlds
- Exploration Through Writing: How to Express Yourself Writing
- The Art of Subtext: Creating Meaning Through the Hidden
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